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Denied Transplant

We were hopeful that things would go our way. Today we were told that Yulia cannot have a transplant at Duke even if we have a live donor for her because of our refusal of the HPV and Covid vaccines. The HPV is new, we just learned of it yesterday. So here we sit contemplating our next steps.

To think that a committee can determine someone's life is terrifying. This is without a doubt medical tyranny. What has become of the medical community? How does the refusal of a shot that is known to cause many health issues AND does NOT stop the spread of a disease deny a 14 year a lifesaving therapy? How does that happen in America?

Today we are sad. Tomorrow is a new day, and God is there with an answer for us.

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A Living Donor

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ACTIVE on the List

Today we got a call from the new hospital that Yulia has been activated on the transplant list. What does that mean? That means that we can also be called for a deceased kidney. While this is not o

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