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Heading to another appointment

Visiting the Neurology department at Duke Children's Hospital today. Yulia has to be cleared by many specialists before she can have a transplant. We are praying that all the long car drives and the endless string of doctors will be worth it in the end when we find a kidney for Yulia. Keep us in your prayers!

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A Living Donor

Today we were contacted and told that Yulia has a living donor identified. We are overjoyed! This generous person does not live in NC. The surgeries will occur in separate locations and the kidney


First of, I want to apologize for not keeping up with this blog as well as I had hoped I would. With 11 kids, homeschooling, kids' activities, and Yulia's care, there is little time left at the end o

ACTIVE on the List

Today we got a call from the new hospital that Yulia has been activated on the transplant list. What does that mean? That means that we can also be called for a deceased kidney. While this is not o

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