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What is Senior Loken Syndrome?

Yulia has suffered with it since birth and the disorder presents pretty classically which means in addition to degenerative kidney failure, Yulia is also losing her vision because the syndrome affects the rods and cones inside of the eye. We are all in awe at her resilience in the face of all of this. Her last appointment with the psych cleared her for transplant which doesn't surprise anyone that knows her. She is a tough little girl. We will update you again on Friday after her liver tests. Keep praying. We believe in miracles!

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A Living Donor

Today we were contacted and told that Yulia has a living donor identified. We are overjoyed! This generous person does not live in NC. The surgeries will occur in separate locations and the kidney


First of, I want to apologize for not keeping up with this blog as well as I had hoped I would. With 11 kids, homeschooling, kids' activities, and Yulia's care, there is little time left at the end o

ACTIVE on the List

Today we got a call from the new hospital that Yulia has been activated on the transplant list. What does that mean? That means that we can also be called for a deceased kidney. While this is not o

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